Hospitality Operations Management. Topic: A report that critically reviews the performance of a restaurant (from a customer prespective), linking academic theory to practice.
For this assignment we are required to visit a restaurant and write a critical review on its performance based on its service concept (promise to customers) which can be found on the restaurants website, fliers, and other promotional material. Please find attached the assignment brief which gives some more details on the requirements of the report, along with an outline that I have made regarding the organization of the paper.
The restaurant I have chosen is Burger and Lobster in Bond Street, London.
Please make sure you properly research their service concept. Other than referencing promotional material of the restaurant to find out its service concept, we are required to include 6 ACADEMIC JOURNAL REFERENCES (mainly used in the section of servicescape), when we describe our visit and review the restaurant. I just need a well written generic review of the restaurant based on the theory, and I will later visit the restaurant and edit the paper as required.
Lastly, please pay attention to the assignment marking criteria and let me know if you have any questions.
International Hospitality Operations Management
Assignment 1: Restaurant Operational Review
The first assignment asks you to review the performance of a restaurant unit of your choice in 2000 words and in a report format.
What is the purpose of the assignment?
For any operation to be successful it must have a clearly defined service concept appealing to a particular market, the way the service is delivered and the environment within which that takes place must be designed to fit the concept, and the actual service delivery must meet the service promise. We want you to review a restaurant operation of your choice to see if it fits the criteria for success outlined above.
What we want you to report on?
Specifically we want you to analyse
• The restaurant’s proposed service concept based on any material the company has produced about the operation – website, brochures, advertising, social media etc.
• The restaurant’s design in terms of the servicescape (the location and designed environment – inside and outside) and the service delivery system – the way in which the service is designed to be delivered through the people, systems, equipment and technology of the operation.
• The service experience – does the operation deliver the service promise inherent in the service concept to the customer. This will mean you having to experience the operation from the customer perspective.
Choosing the unit?
You can choose any restaurant operation that you would like to visit. We can give you some suggestions but here are some pointers you might like to consider.
• Choose somewhere you would be happy to eat in. To do this properly you really need to experience the operation first hand and you might want to look at some of the competitors too for a comparison.
• Choose somewhere within your budget. This doesn’t mean you have to go somewhere cheap. If you were thinking of going out for a celebration meal then why not use that. Don’t forget that even Michelin star restaurants have really good lunch time and pre-theatre set menus that won’t break the bank. Look out for special deals on TopTable and similar sites
• Choose somewhere you haven’t been to before. If you are already a loyal customer you won’t see the operation clearly. This also goes for somewhere that you might have worked in – best avoid.
• London is one of the most dynamic restaurant markets in the world at the moment with new and different operations opening all the time and it is only forty minutes away by train. There are some interesting operations in Guildford but why not take this opportunity to try something really new.
• If you are still in doubt then ask us for some recommendations.
What format should it be in?
We would like you to use asimple report format with clear headings and sub headings including an executive summary (about 300 words), table of contents, introduction, discussion of service concept, servicescape, service experience as appropriate, conclusion and recommendations, references. While this is principally a practical exercise based on your experience you still need to link it to the theoretical literature and so we would expect at least six references to the academic literature to be included.
The report has a maximum word limit of 2,000 words. This word limit will exclude the cover sheet,lists of references/bibliography and any appendices. It will include words in tables included as part of the text.
What are the assessment criteria?
Criteria Performance Indicators
Needs Improvement Acceptable Pretty Good Even Better Exceptional
Style and Presentation (1 points)
Presentation and style are poor (2 points)
Presentation and style are just acceptable (3 points)
Presentation is good and style appropriate (4 points)
Presentation is very good and style highly appropriate (5 points)
Presentation and style are first class
Theory to Practice (2 points)
Discussion and arguments have very little link (4 points)
Discussion and arguments relate theory to practice in some cases (6 points)
Discussion and arguments relate theory to practice in most cases (8 points)
Discussion and arguments relate theory to practice in most cases and are clearly justified (10 points)
Discussion and arguments relate theory to practice in all cases and are very clearly justified
Content and Evidence of Reading (7 points)
Very little relevant content and no real evidence of reading from the set text or elsewhere (14 points)
Some relevant content and some evidence of reading from the set text or elsewhere (21 points)
Good relevant content and some evidence of reading from the set text or elsewhere (28 points)
Very relevant content and strong evidence of reading from the set text and elsewhere (35 points)
Excellent relevant content and clear evidence of reading from the set text and elsewhere
Structure and Argument (6 points)
Report very poorly structured with little or no supporting argument (12 points)
Report weakly structured with some evidence of supporting argument (18 points)
Report soundly structured with evidence of supporting argument (24 points)
Report well-structured with good evidence of supporting argument (30 points)
Report extremely well structured with clear evidence of supporting argument
Synthesis (4 points)
Lack of fit between the selected approaches and ideas (8 points)
Some fit between the selected approaches and ideas (12 points)
Satisfactory fit between the selected approaches and ideas (16 points)
Good fit between the selected approaches and ideas (20 points)
Excellent fit between the selected approaches and ideas
out of 100